About Becoming a Lion

Who can be a Lion ....?
Although membership is by invitation, most Clubs welcome community minded people. Membership is open to men and women of legal majority and good reputation.
The majority of Lions Club include male and female and the main criteria to become a Lion is to follow Lions Clubs International "Purposes & Ethics", also a willingness to "help others - less fortunate" .
Within our organisation there are also Leo Clubs for 12 to 30 years though many Lions Clubs have members from 18 years and upwards.
While each Lions Club gives priority to the needs of its local community the association is truly international with no religious or political affiliations of any description.
In some communities there may be Clubs whose members due to language and cultural customs are predominately from ethnic groups including China, India and Pakistan etc.
How do I become a Lion ...?
Since membership is by invitation only, it necessitates getting to know a Lion or a Lions Club. Any Lions Club will be happy to have you attend a meeting and begin what we hope will be a long association with Lions. After a few meetings, all the questions you may have regarding membership should be answered to your satisfaction.
Each new Lion member has a Sponsor whose duties include the support of a new Lion and help show by example how to be a good and active Lion.
Why do Lions Clubs have an annual subscription .... ?
Lions Club dues are among the lowest for service organisations and costs vary from Lions Club to Lions Club.
However, 100% of money collected from the public must be returned to the public.
It is therefore incumbent on individual Clubs to assume the administrative burden in support of it's activities. This is done through a fee added by the Club to the annual dues established by Lions Clubs International. Fees are collected annually during July/Aug
What time will I require to give as a Lion .... ?
We serve in any way we can, and to the best of our ability, to what we see to be the needs of the community in which we live, in whatever form it appears necessary, and to whatever extent our resources of time and money permit.
There are no set rule as to how much time should be given, members will be expected to attend as many regularly scheduled meetings as possible, at no time will you have to give more time than you can afford.
When and where do Lions Clubs meet .... ?
Our club meets once a month and elect officers annually. Many Clubs still hold Board of Directors' meetings which are held monthly to determine the course of club business. If a member chooses there is ample opportunity to attend various fundraising functions and social activities throughout the year.
Location:- 2 Market Pl, Epworth, Doncaster DN9 1EU
Although membership is by invitation, most Clubs welcome community minded people. Membership is open to men and women of legal majority and good reputation.
The majority of Lions Club include male and female and the main criteria to become a Lion is to follow Lions Clubs International "Purposes & Ethics", also a willingness to "help others - less fortunate" .
Within our organisation there are also Leo Clubs for 12 to 30 years though many Lions Clubs have members from 18 years and upwards.
While each Lions Club gives priority to the needs of its local community the association is truly international with no religious or political affiliations of any description.
In some communities there may be Clubs whose members due to language and cultural customs are predominately from ethnic groups including China, India and Pakistan etc.
How do I become a Lion ...?
Since membership is by invitation only, it necessitates getting to know a Lion or a Lions Club. Any Lions Club will be happy to have you attend a meeting and begin what we hope will be a long association with Lions. After a few meetings, all the questions you may have regarding membership should be answered to your satisfaction.
Each new Lion member has a Sponsor whose duties include the support of a new Lion and help show by example how to be a good and active Lion.
Why do Lions Clubs have an annual subscription .... ?
Lions Club dues are among the lowest for service organisations and costs vary from Lions Club to Lions Club.
However, 100% of money collected from the public must be returned to the public.
It is therefore incumbent on individual Clubs to assume the administrative burden in support of it's activities. This is done through a fee added by the Club to the annual dues established by Lions Clubs International. Fees are collected annually during July/Aug
What time will I require to give as a Lion .... ?
We serve in any way we can, and to the best of our ability, to what we see to be the needs of the community in which we live, in whatever form it appears necessary, and to whatever extent our resources of time and money permit.
There are no set rule as to how much time should be given, members will be expected to attend as many regularly scheduled meetings as possible, at no time will you have to give more time than you can afford.
When and where do Lions Clubs meet .... ?
Our club meets once a month and elect officers annually. Many Clubs still hold Board of Directors' meetings which are held monthly to determine the course of club business. If a member chooses there is ample opportunity to attend various fundraising functions and social activities throughout the year.
Location:- 2 Market Pl, Epworth, Doncaster DN9 1EU